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Published: 29/09/12

Saturday Snaps with

Vincent Perraud

Who is Vincent Perraud? 


A French dude who chills with a beer and a camera.



Years shooting: 


Eight maybe.



What got you into taking photos? 


I wasn’t good at riding so I had to find another way to make it onto trips!



First photography related memory: 


Opening a French catalog in 1998 to a shot by Olivier Weidmann.



Best photography experience: 


Everyday taking picture with friends.



Worst photography experience:  


Getting my bag stolen a few years ago in Barcelona.



Advice for taking a great photo: 


No idea! Just go out and be original!



Three favourite photographers: 


Heuuuu Fred Mortagne, Rob Dolecki, Jeff Z.



Photography highlight/achievement: 


Getting my photos in publications every month?



Why do you take photos? 


Cause it's fun!




Top photos:



Shot on the way back from California with the BSD crew during the filming for "Any Which Way" last January. Shot with a panoramic camera.



Taken while shooting for Vans Off The Wall with fashion photographer Dimitiri Coste at Las Bardenas desert in Spain this summer. Shot with a Canon 5d mk2 and 70-200 lens.



During an ad campaign for Carhartt I shot this photo of Mike Miller in Spain at Euro camp. We played around with smoke to try and get something different from the usual skatepark photos. Shot with a Canon 5d mk2, three flashes and a lot of smoke.

New York City


Just a snap in the streets of NYC with three good friends, Kalkoff, Valentino and Dandois, and nice light. Shot with a Canon 5d mk2.



I shot this for a Soul cover and tried a different angle with Max Bonfil. Taken in Algorta, Spain, and shot with the Canon 5d mk 2.

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