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Published: 01/02/14

Saturday Snaps with

Nick Armstrong

Who is Nick Armstrong? 


Someone who has ridden BMX for many years and absolutely loves it! Originally from Fleet, now living in Derbados. I find myself constantly trying to fit filming, editing and riding around my day job.



Years filming:  


12 years maybe? If you're talking from when you first start messing around with a camera.



What got you into filming and making videos? 


My friend Neil McGregor had a pocket digital camera that also recorded short video clips. Like every group of kids that ride, we'd just film every bit of riding that we did. Somehow I ended up with all the files and put them together in a two song video, I think that was around 2002.



First video related memory: 


Watching Alex Rankin's Sprung 3 on VHS. That video was a great example of how to cut the footage to music and that it doesn't have to be limited to just the riding, the fun stuff along the way is just as important. Bmx-wise, myself and the Fleet riders put a lot of wear on our VHS copies of Ride - True, Hard Dad - Flying Blind, Etnies - Forward and Little Devil - Criminal Mischief.



Best videographer experience: 


Any trip abroad with your mates is going to be good times, but Fleetscene trips are usually pretty special, standouts being Malaga and Berlin. From a more professional situation, going to France in a plush van with the Premium UK dudes was a particularly fun trip.



Worst videographer experience: 


Any time that someone gets injured whilst filming obviously isn't good. On Ride To Glory each team was given a GoPro without a memory card. Somewhere between buying a card and getting to the trails (Moneky Bumps) I'd managed to throw the brand new card in the bin. This resulted in a hurried trip to purchase a new one and lots of apologies from myself. Aside from that, touch wood, nothing too bad has happened.



Advice for filming and making a BMX video: 


Never stop learning and try different techniques.


I don't consider that I've made a great riding video yet, I hope to one day. Ask me again when I think I have.



Three favourite film makers: 


Wow, only three? I'm going to say Dave Sowerby, Will Evans and Ryan Navazio. Also, Mike Mastroni's stuff is awesome and look out for Leo Baron in the future!



Video highlight/achievement: 


Seeing both the Warehouse Project and Ride To Glory edits on a DVD that will reach a lot of people is pretty amazing. Thanks to Rob Andrews and the Premium UK team for giving me the opportunity to do that, as a kid I never would have believed that would happen.



Why do you make videos? 


Videos and photos go hand in hand with riding bikes, always have, always will. If I'm on a trip with mates I want a video and photos that I can look back on and remember how much fun we had. If that comes across in the video to a viewer that wasn't there, then its a success.



Top five videos:

Premium UK in France


This was made with a DSLR, two cheap lenses and a £20 tripod. We hit loads of good parks and street spots.

Dennis Enarson MARKIT video Welcome to Social Bike Co


It’s not often that I'm 100% happy with how I film each clip but this edit I'm pretty happy with!

C'est Deece


My home town crew, Fleetscene, went on a roadtrip stopping at some amazing French concrete. We suck too bad to use it to its full potential haha.

Jakub and Trevor Summer 2013


These are two Polish riders that live in Derby I loved the sessions we had filming for this all building up to Jakub's scary ender. Again, I'm pretty happy with the filming in this one.

Jack's section from Derby Ain't Dead


This was a scene DVD that Zeyad Ahmad and myself produced roughly spanning a year. I can't stress enough that if you haven't, you really should film a scene video, even if it’s just for the excuse of having a premier.

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