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Injury talk with

Damo Wilkinson

Published: 15/05/17

Riding photos by Andrew Thompson

When was your last major injury and what was the story behind it? 


My most recent bad injury was in August last year. There's a hip at the trails which was a bit of a transfer. I over-rotated the set before and by the time I straitened out it was too late to stop so I ended up taking off the lip and bailing to the side, to flat. I broke my ankle and tore the ligaments pretty bad. (Footage at the start of the video below)



How long were you out for?


I spent six weeks in a boot and had about eight weeks or so in total off my bike.



Worst ever injury?


Probably that one. 



What do you do to fill time when you can’t ride?


I mostly just hang out at the trails and focus on resting up to get back to work and back on my bike as quickly as I can. I also get out on the road bike a lot, which definitely helps.



What have you learnt from injuries?


Just that exercise and a good diet is really important for getting your body healthy and strong again once the injury has healed. 



Has anything positive come out of them?


I'd say changing my diet to help me heal quicker has stuck with me which I'd say is definitely a positive thing. Injuries are unavoidable really.

‘There's a hip at the trails which was a bit of a transfer. I over-rotated the set before and by the time I straitened out it was too late to stop so I ended up taking off the lip and bailing to the side, to flat. I broke my ankle and tore the ligaments pretty bad.’

What motivates you to get healthy again and back on your bike?


Just the love of riding a bike I guess. Seeing all my mates killing it at the trails and just generally the sick times we have. 



Have any hard slams or injuries made you think differently about riding, or changed how you ride?


Na not really. I always just want to get back out on my bike as soon as possible and back to the sessions!



Have you ever been told you wouldn’t ride again, what was your response? 


Luckily enough no. Other than my ankle I've only really broken my wrist a couple of times and lost a couple teeth or so. 



After your last big injury, how long did it take to get everything back on the bike, and how did you get over any self doubt or loss of confidence?


My ankle still isn't 100% and probably won't be for a long time but personally I don't really feel much loss of confidence, just motivation to get back on it. 



Anything else you’d like to add?


Riding bikes is awesome. Just enjoy it!

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